Cloud Technology

Cloud technology is the consumption of IT services such as infrastructure, software, environments & network over the internet. The benefits of consuming these services via the cloud include

  • Accessibility - Many services are available through a portal on the internet and accessible from anywhere providing you internet access.

  • Flexibility - Subscription based costing models allow companies to use the services they need at that time and make it simpler to switch from one service to another without significant outlay or alignment with a particular vendor.

  • Scalability - The services are hosted on the vendors infrastructure, you are simply paying for access. As your demand increases you can request more quicker and without any significant investment to your IT infrastructure.

  • Strategic - Cloud based technologies are regularly and automatically updated. This means customers automatically receive the latest version, with the latest features at no additional cost or effort

  • Efficiency - Using cloud services can help companies drive efficiency through reducing the costs associated to systems maintenance and security.

We can help your business to seek and identify opportunities to leverage cloud technology as well as implementation and help prepare you for the changes to the ways of working.